Replying to Messages

The common action to take after receiving a new message notification from a customer is to post a reply to that message. This document will help you understand how use the Engage REST API to post a reply to an incoming message.

Replying to a message is as simple as composing an HTTP POST to the contents resource, with the following query and request parameters.

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
access_token API identification token

Request Parameters

Parameter Description
author_id The identity id of content. This parameter is not mandatory, by default it use the token’s user first identity on source.
body The content’s body. This parameter is mandatory.
in_reply_to_id The content’s id you want to reply to. If omitted, a new discussion will be created. If source does not support to initiate discussion this parameter is mandatory.
private Created contents are public by default, set this parameter to true in order to create a private reply.
source_id The source to create content to. If you specify in_reply_to_id parameter, source will be determined from. Otherwise, this parameter is mandatory.


Only users that can reply or initiate a discussion on given source can call this API. The system will return an error if in_reply_to isn't synchronized or if in_reply_to content is not under an open intervention.

Sample Request

curl -X POST -d "source_id=58ff349313047d2cf6f&in_reply_to_id=58ff349313047d2cf6f&&body=test de contenu" "https://[DOMAIN]"

Sample Response

  "body":"Hello,\n\nHow to unlock my nokia 3210?\n\nThanks!",
    "text":"Hello,\n\nHow to unlock my nokia 3210?\n\nThanks!",
    "html":"<p>Hello,</p>\n\n<p>How to unlock my nokia 3210?</p>\n\n<p>Thanks!</p>"
  "title":"Nokia 3210 unlocking",

Text Format Requirements

To this day Engage only supports messages in plain text format, Engage does not support enriched messages or HTML within the integration of a multi-channel bot. Engage is currently studying an extension to support enriched messages.